Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Because.... (Miley Cyrus rating)

So I was going to finish that crazy bitch rant, but the phone I had all the texts saved on died, and because I no longer live at home in "good"ol' Utah I can't charge it. But when I do I will finish the three part epic rant blog.

So for now I'm on to more pressing matters.
Gossip (Or what I call bitching with an opinion attached.)

Most talked about rumors... and other things.
Lady gaga: Is secretly a man/has a penis/has admitted to having a penis, sings like a man/looks like a man/..... yeah pretty much you've heard them all.
Miley Cyrus: Is turning into a slut and her father isn't doing anything to stop it.....
Justin Beiber:  Is 13!!!!!!
Twilight suckzzzzzzz!!!!!!!11111!!!!111 my balz1!

Some of these I find entertaining. And in the forums I sometimes like to go to the lady gaga section or what have you and read the idiocy. I have only posted my opinion three times because as much as I love reading the trolls and flamers I don't believe in fueling them. I have finally however become bored enough to post my opinion online.

Dear Miley Cyrus, you are still underage. Wait to send those topless pics to your 21 year old boyfriend for another year. If he really loves your religious babble and need to rebel against said religion then he will wait to see your boobies. But if you insist, we've already seen your cooter... what three times now?

Your father is using you to boost his career because of his midlife crisis, have fun being an unwed mother in a couple years.

So I have been reading about some music award show where she was wearing black leather and some white thing... so naturally my inner costumer came out and I had to find pictures

 <~~~~White thing? Not so bad, I like the leg band and the heels are interesting.
Wait... is that Madonna's vagina? ~~~>

Actually that's not too bad, kinda Gaga-ish... but everyone is trying to be Gaga.. even Christina Aguiliera *Shudders*

Hmm.... a nice close up Holy shit! It's gone rabid!!!!

Below: The true face of horror. Oh well, at least they put something there to keep her from eating poor little Justin Bieber... of course she could just go over it... Wonder what would happen if...

Oh noes!!!!!! Run little Canadian boy run!!!! She seems so proud of herself.....

Ahem, I think that about covers the white thing... now how about that leather?
 What? Is that it? Hmm, sexy.

O. I. C. I like it though. Borders on Gaga... but still.

Wait.... Is that the funky chicken? Maybe I should watch TV more often.... or maybe I shouldn't....


Anyways, just thought someone would enjoy those snapshots.

Sure these outfits are a far cry from her booty shorts... wait... she doesn't really have a booty... can I still call them that?
 Oh whatever. Her first "skanky" outfit from Party in the U.S.A... Oi.
Do I think she's a skank? Nah, not really. Blame the parents... and Disney. This would have never happened if they had kept So Weird and Even Stevens running. If she wants to present herself this way then let her have at it. Worst case scenario: She shaves all her hair off and has like twenty kids.

Although I will admit I hate listening to her live and she is a horrible actor. I enjoy some of her songs (but would never spend money on any of her merchandise... including music.)

Overall rating 2/10 (Because whoever is running her costumes is magic... I just with they weren't on her.)