Friday, May 14, 2010

Woah there crazy bitch..... Pt 1

Dear Sheraya,

Here is my side of what happened and my reasoning for not wanting to put up with your crap anymore.

Lets start with the Danee and Alex thing.

You let them make out in the first place. You were the one who needed security and closure in your relationship and needed to know that you would be the only woman in his life. Well. Didn't you fuck up? It doesn’t matter that you say Alex forced you into it, you still gave in.

Alex has told lots of people he doesn't want to marry you and you're too dense to see the signs. With your history of not listening to people when they are trying to tell you things has kind of put us all off of trying to tell you what's been in your best interests. So...


It doesn't matter if he felt abandoned or need an emotional connection. Guess what?


That is not something to forgive so easily, especially if you're blaming it all on the other person.

Danee did not tie up your sham of a boyfriend, force feed him ecstasy and Viagra and have her way with him. And if that thought has ever crossed your mind as a legit reason then you are even crazier than we all thought and further into denial than we all realized.

You and Alex had some kind of fight and he "needed emotional comfort" Which he thought he could get from Danee because she has always been nice to him. He started texting her and asking to hang out because he needed someone to talk to. I can only imagine how it ended up like this. But hey, that happened in August, right after you went to school. Hmmm, and didn't I go down in September to see your play? And did I not mention that Alex had been texting her and asking her to make out and things? And what was your reaction? What did you say when I said I had seen the texts? "Oh, we got into a fight and I gave him a month to do whatever her wanted." and I said that this wasn't the first time he had been texting her like that. What did you say next? "We get in a lot of fights." That sounded like a blow off to me. So when someone brings up the fact that I tried to tell you about Alex and you say that I didn't. Just remember that and don't call me a shitty friend. And guess what?


That's what's so sad. No one felt the need to tell you. I wonder why. Maybe because you're a crazy bitch and wouldn't believe anyone but your perfect boyfriend.

"Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken. But you can still see the cracks in that mother fucker’s reflection." - Lady Gaga ~ Telephone Feat. Beyonce.

Ever since Sarah's goodbye party I've been really pissed at you, for your "I'm better than that" attitude. It was your fault anything at all happened, you were the one being an uber fucking bitch and smashing the boys. Then you and Alex were being asses and saying that I couldn’t be left there to baby sit. I may have asked Alex for a favor but if he really regretted it he probably would have told me. He was probably ashamed of you being an ass. Oh, and you are by far the worst babysitter. EVER. Even Sarah thought and still thinks it was bullshit, the way you acted.

So whatever, things cooled down ish. But then it started feeling more and more like you were just walking all over me.

Like when my aunt was convinced that a cop was observing the house because she was being retarded, and I couldn’t be out past ten and then you fucking come home at 1:30am and I almost got grounded. All because you felt it wasn’t fair for you to be home when I had to be because you only get to come up on the weekends and that’s your only time to see your boyfriend. It was just for that weekend, and I told you that. But no. It’s all about you apparently. Or when I worked at the forest and forgot to leave you my room keys, twice. And you bitched, I know you did, about me not coming home one of those nights. But whatever, I was able to pay for California and really now that I look back that’s all you wanted or cared about. Sure Tony and I really wanted to go for obvious reasons, but all you cared about was yourself. Again.

You wanted Tony and I to come along because then you and Alex could act like a couple. Which pretty much went like this :

1 Fight

2 Be pissy

3 Makeup Sex

(Hey, even though Tony and I didn't say anything we felt really awkward when you guys fought and when you kept pressuring him about you guys getting married. Which was like every 20 minutes. Rediculous.)

Yup. Cause that’s what real couples do apparently. Oh, while we’re on the subject. I know you bitched about us getting married. Because our relationship hadn’t progressed as far as yours and Alex’s, and what level would your relationship be on at the moment? The “I’m not in love with her and I can’t break up with her because I’m scared she’ll kill herself, or me, and I won’t have a booty call anymore….” Level? Or wait the “I’m so blindly in love I refuse to see his obvious flaws” level?

Back onto the subject, after California I got sick and because I decided to go home before going to Wal-Mart and getting some meds I didn’t get there in time and the store closed. So I was cranky and sick the day I got married and before I could even take any of my meds you and Sarah came over. That wasn’t a problem, it was the fact that anytime I tried to help or anything you kept shushing me. What the hell? I’m not a bridezilla, and wasn’t that day either. But I do believe telling the bride to be quiet on her wedding day is no fucking bueno.

You may have said that you were just kidding, but even Sarah thought you were being a bitch. So I called Jessie and Danee to come over and help out. Because I knew you would shut the fuck up if they were there. Guess what? It worked. And it’s really funny because Sarah didn’t have a problem with Danee taking the train of my dress out and she was the original and the main maid of honor. You got pissed? You weren’t even going to be in my bridal party because you were planning it and I felt that was fair.

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