Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Been a while and..... HE COMES HOME IN...

23 days!!!!! I am sooo excited I cannot even begin to describe. I can't wait to finally sleep next to someone again  and to tell him everything that has happened since he left that I just couldnt describe over letters or our short phone calls.

A little background because if anyone is reading this they are probably thinking I'm a spaz. Well... I am... but that's besides the point!

My husband and I are 19, we were together in one way or another all of senior year and started joking about getting married. It slowly turned serious and in december of 09' we were married (After he proposed in disneyland right after the fireworks. It was absolutely perfect.) eight days later he was shipped to Fort Leonardwood Missouri for basic training.... Lovely way to start out a marriage, I know. ;P But it is now... or will be april in two hours and I will be able to see him in 22 days and bring him home in 23.

Anyways whole strew of things happened while he was... er.... is gone. One of my ex best friends decided to be a crazy psycho bitch and I finally decided that I was done putting up with her. I might post my side of it later on. Almost everyone I know is getting or is married. And everyone is having babies except me.... *pouts* But that's ok. I think I can wait..... maybe.

But not having him here to help me figure out how to handle things has been really hard. Usually I can discuss with him and come up with a solution that doesnt involve my being an uber bitch. (It takes a lot to push me in to uber bitch mode.) But it was easier to let my emotions go and just chill out and go with the flow when he was here. Because whatever descision I made he still loved me and was there to hold me, even when I pissed other people off he would say they deserved it because I'm too nice and never get mad when I need to. And it would all be better, magically. He has that power over me. Even when I'm crying he knows how to make me laugh.... he's an ass about it. But thats ok, I still love him.

Anyways... that's enough for this catch up blog. I am going to wal-mart to get some pistachio ice cream and then I'm going home to hang with my in-laws before going to bed.

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