Monday, October 11, 2010

Things that make me want to punch... something... cute and fluffy.

This is a rant about current events and the gay community. If you don't want to read it then do yourself a favor and navigate away from this page. I do not want any ignorant comments on my page, that includes things like "Well you're obviously biased, wrong, misguided...etc", or "Well my opinion is right because... etc" I don't want to hear or read it.

First off, I hate how people can be so overbearing, needy, complainy, lazy, and can have their heads so far up their own asses they can't see or choose not to see what's in front of them. Or, people so stuck in their over-self-righteous ways that they can't accept other people for who they are. I am talking(mostly) about things happening between the gay community and religion(mainly the LDS church but... I'll get more into that.)

Here's the story, I'm surfing groups on facebook and anyone who knows me knows that if something catches my eyes I will read it. Doesn't matter what, if it's against what I believe or just some stupid rantings of someone. I don't care. But once in a while I will come across gems, like this which I found on an anti-gay group on facebook.

"ugh this is horrible! As old people keep dying off and a younger more educated generation is taking over, the batter against homosexual marriage is starting to go in favor of the opposition! We must stop these young people, they think they know more than older generations because they read fancy books and they read stuff that has to do with science! The only book that should be allowed in schools is the Bible and the Book of Mormon. All of our families will be destroyed if gay marriage is accepted! DESTROYED!! Sodom and Gonorrhea anyone? HELLO?!?!"

That is a direct copy and paste from the group, read it once. Then read it again. I'm not saying which group it was or by whom it was posted. If anyone really wanted to know then they could find it.

The fact of the matter is, people can think whatever they want, pray to whatever deity they choose and raise their spawn to do the same. But when someone is calling my generation "more educated" and then turning around and complaining about what we believe in. I call BS. Sure a lot more of the gay community is coming out of the closet, but I highly doubt the community itself has gotten bigger.

My PERSONAL belief (If you don't want to read it then skip this part.) - People can do whatever they want that makes them happy, as long as they aren't hurting anyone else. I also believe that God (Whoever the true God is, Buddha, Zeus... whatever.) made everyone how they are and that they are meant to be that way for some reason. I think people are born gay(with an attraction to the same sex), but like with everything else they choose to act on it.

My reasoning for this is that I know people, born into the LDS religion. Who wanted and still want nothing more than to serve in the church, mind you they have never ACTED on their attractions. But they are still unable to serve, one of my friends was told he must repent and that if he ever acted on his "impulses" that he would be excommunicated. What? But, before the rest of you ignorant people start getting all upset that "It's the church that's wrong" and blah blah blah, ALL churches think that homosexuality is wrong. Not just the LDS church. So stop picking on the mormons. Yes yes, a lot of them piss me off to no end. Especially the ones I went to school with, but pointing fingers at one group isn't going to get anything solved.

Another thought of mine, why must everything that goes against what one believes be met with anger? I mean sure, I was and still am kinda irritated at the ignorance of people. But why would you kill someone for being gay? Or why would you make fun of them to the point of them committing suicide and later laugh at their funeral and tell their parents they deserved it? (Another experience of mine involving a brother of two of my best gay friends.) Why can't everyone just chill out, smoke a couple blunts and just be fucking happy!?

One more note, what would you do if your best friend or hell, someone in your family came out? Would you treat them differently? Would you still think the same way if they were persecuted? I am proud to say that I am straight with bi-tendencies. I have girl crushes(Even though I am happily married to my husband and am pregnant with his child.). And shit. I have had three relationships with girls. All of whom are my friends. I might have some issues with my own family if they read this. But with all that is going on. I don't really care.

I'm going to address this Boyd K Packer "issue" that everyone has in some respect, I will not address it any other time. Some people have an issue with his talk, and others have an issue with the people that have an issue with his talk. This is a never ending shit storm that will probably still be talked about to our kids. If you ask me, it's really r-tarded. Now me, I am a person without an issue, I just think everyone needs to chill the fuck out and smoke a doobie. Packers talk was obviously about pornography(Not that most people have read it, I have but honestly 99% of the people with the issue have not read it... or they choose to interpret it their way in order to have one more problem with the church.), he only talked about temptations and that people could change their ways or avoid them. HE WAS NOT TALKING ABOUT THE HOMOSEXUAL COMMUNITY!! And now there is a group, and I will name this one "WE LOVE YOU - President Boyd K Packer" and some people make me ashamed to lay claim to the fact that I am part of the LDS religion, such as this guy

"Standing up for what is Right is exactly what I would expect from a Man of God. God is Very Pleased with you Brother Packer, God is Pleased. Soon enough the people of this world will reap what they have sowed. For now the Righteous will have to put up with the Wicked." and a reply to his comment, " Isn't it great to be one of the righteous ones?! Oh man, I feel sorry for everyone else who isn't as holy as I"

Yes I thought that they might just be making a sarcastic comment... but scrolling down the wall of this group, there are more comments made by the same people saying basically the same things. I hate the people blindly being all like "I'm going to be save and you're not." When the hell did we all regress back into preschool? Since when is it ok for the adults to start acting like privileged little shits?

Oh this one, this one makes me want to tear my hair out, "Gays, gays the horrible fruit, the more you see, the more you shoot!" What. The Fuck. I HATE people. I hate them so much, I hope that in the new millennium that anyone who has ever said anything like that "in the name of God"... I don't even know what I want to happen. It just frustrates me that I'm going to have to teach my kids never to be like that. It sucks! I hate it!

I'm just sick of all the hate and the negativity and the high and mighty church-goers(Not just LDS). Even though I say hate I don't mean it. I just can't find another word expressing my dislike. Why can't everyone just grow up and keep their ignorance towards other people to themselves? It would save everyone a lot of hassle.

Some links for the people who have luckily stayed out of the loop thus far,!/event.php?eid=157010880987998

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you there. If you look at gay rights, it's the same process womens rights has gone through, it's the same process that Black rights has gone through, it's the same process all the rights movements have gone through. People just need to curb their ignorance and preconceived prejudice about homosexuals. They're not all god hating heathens that want to upset the order of the world. They're just people, plenty of which are religious, that love each other and want to be together. Why is that so threatening? How is that going to "ruin the sanctity of marriage"? It's the definition of marriage. It shouldn't even be an issue really. People just need to get out of behind their golden pulpits and realize that they're just people, like you or me, they're just people. Treat them like it.
