Monday, October 25, 2010

Moving home?

So, tentative plan... We're working on getting an apartment closer to Fort Leonard Wood(We currently live about 20ish minutes away... up a hill... where one side is a cliff and the other a rock wall.) IF we are unable to get this apartment, then I am going home to Utah and getting a storage unit where we will have the army ship everything. BUT! That means I have to make sure the hubby puts his leave packet in ASAP and his request for single soldier housing. Because I will be taking the car with me.

Anyways, on to more important things. In case I have not mentioned it. I am pregnant, I'm probably about 2 and a half-3 months-ish along and I am sicker than a dog. Tricare (the medicare of the military) doesn't kick in for me until the first of November, then I will go in and find out everything and will post verily lol. Despite being sick, I'm really excited! I love kids and babies, and I can't wait. My bestest buddy Danee is going to be the god-mother and she's going to help me raise a hippie baby while Tony is deployed.
Everyone tells Tony it's either going to be a girl or twins. Which he says if it's a girl we're giving it back(I told my Nickie that I'd give it to her lol) and if it's twins one to Danee and one to Nickie. Also if it's triplets(Oh NOES!) then one goes to Paige lol. Ah, I miss my friends and family. And as horrible as it sounds... I kinda hope we don't get the apartment... I really just want to go home.

It's not just homesickness... I really feel like I need to be home for some reason. I just hope, for whatever reason I need to be home doesn't happen while I'm out here.

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